Urban Orchestra

Urband Orchestra Live DJ Euphoria Orchestra Gecko Live Entertainment
why hire Urban Orchestra
  • Unique Fusion
  • Tailored Entertainment
  • Elegant and Energetic
  • Unforgettable
Urban Orchestra blends orchestral elegance with club classics and pop remixes, offering exceptional corporate entertainment and luxury wedding performances. From £6995

Look­ing to hire a DJ for your wed­ding or par­ty? Urban Orches­tra brings the best of both worlds, where the ele­gance of orches­tral instru­men­ta­tion meets the vibran­cy of club clas­sics and pop remix­es for a tru­ly unique enter­tain­ment experience.

Spe­cial­iz­ing in cor­po­rate events and lux­u­ry wed­dings, Urban Orches­tra rede­fines pop­u­lar anthems by adding a sophis­ti­cat­ed orches­tral twist. Their tal­ent­ed musi­cians expert­ly blend clas­si­cal instru­ments with con­tem­po­rary beats, cre­at­ing a dynam­ic sound that will ele­vate any event. Whether you’re plan­ning a high-ener­gy cor­po­rate event or a chic wed­ding recep­tion, Urban Orches­tra offers unfor­get­table per­for­mances that per­fect­ly bal­ance time­less charm with mod­ern flair.

When you hire a DJ for a wed­ding or cor­po­rate event with Urban Orches­tra, you’re not just get­ting great music, you’re get­ting an extra­or­di­nary fusion of gen­res and inno­v­a­tive arrange­ments. Their ver­sa­tile reper­toire ensures a tai­lor-made per­for­mance, ide­al for any event atmos­phere. From heart­felt love songs to pump­ing par­ty anthems, Urban Orches­tra has you covered.

Look­ing to hire a DJ for a par­ty that’s any­thing but ordi­nary? Urban Orches­tra takes par­ty enter­tain­ment to the next lev­el with their unique blend of orches­tral sophis­ti­ca­tion and upbeat tunes. Get ready to dance the night away to an excit­ing mix of clas­si­cal and con­tem­po­rary, all while impress­ing your guests with a per­for­mance they’ll nev­er forget.

For an expe­ri­ence that’s as lux­u­ri­ous as it is thrilling, look no fur­ther than Urban Orches­tra for your next event. Whether you need a DJ for cor­po­rate events or are plan­ning the per­fect wed­ding, Urban Orches­tra deliv­ers a per­for­mance that com­bines ele­gance, ener­gy, and enter­tain­ment in a way no one else can.

  • Corporate Entertainment Specialists
  • Luxury and Destination Weddings
  • DJ With Live Instruments
  • Incredible Line Up and Performer Choices
Line Up Suggestions
  • 7 Piece DJ + Sax + Trumpet + Trombone + Violin + Cello + Viola
  • 9 Piece DJ + 2 x Sax + Trumpet + Trombone + 2 x Violin + Cello + Viola
  • 11 Piece DJ + 2 x Sax + Trumpet + Trombone + 2 x Violin + Cello + Viola + 2 x Vocals

Urban Orchestra

Urband Orchestra Live DJ Pop Orchestra Gecko Live Entertainment
Urban Orchestra blends orchestral elegance with club classics and pop remixes, offering exceptional corporate entertainment and luxury wedding performances.


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