Eclipse DJ Live

why hire Eclipse DJ Live
  • Exceptional Talent
  • Versatile Lineups
  • Corporate Entertainment
Eclipse offers elite corporate entertainment with flawless vocals and live instrumentation, ensuring a captivating and tailored experience for any event. From £4895
Eclipse DJ Live DJ with percussion singer and sax Gecko Live Entertainment
Eclipse DJ Live Live DJ with percussion singer and sax Gecko Live Entertainment
Eclipse DJ Live DJ with percussion singer and sax and trumpet Gecko Live Entertainment

Intro­duc­ing Eclipse – a pre­mier ensem­ble of musi­cians renowned for their flaw­less vocals and excep­tion­al live instru­men­tal per­for­mances. As a top choice for cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment, Eclipse offers a sophis­ti­cat­ed and dynam­ic musi­cal expe­ri­ence that is sure to impress.

With over 15 years of per­form­ing togeth­er in var­i­ous con­fig­u­ra­tions, Eclipse’s mem­bers have devel­oped an unpar­al­leled syn­er­gy, result­ing in a show that is both sleek and seem­ing­ly effort­less. This seam­less inte­gra­tion of tal­ent and expe­ri­ence ensures a cap­ti­vat­ing per­for­mance that engages and delights audiences.

Eclipse’s ver­sa­tile line­up is adapt­able to suit any event size or type, mak­ing them the ide­al choice for any cor­po­rate event. Whether you’re host­ing a small, inti­mate gath­er­ing or a large-scale cor­po­rate func­tion, Halcyon’s tai­lored approach guar­an­tees that your event will be ele­vat­ed to new heights.

As a lead­ing cor­po­rate enter­tain­ment choice, Eclipse promis­es to trans­form any cel­e­bra­tion into a mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence, leav­ing a last­ing impres­sion on your guests and ensur­ing your event stands out.

  • Corporate Entertainment Specialists
  • Full DJ Set Up
  • Singer and Instrumental Line Ups
Line Up Options
  • 5 Piece DJ + Percussion + Singer + Sax + Trumpet
  • 7 Piece DJ + Percussion + Singer + Sax + Trumpet + Guitar + Keyboards

Eclipse DJ Live

Eclipse DJ Live DJ with percussion singer and sax and trumpet Gecko Live Entertainment
Eclipse offers elite corporate entertainment with flawless vocals and live instrumentation, ensuring a captivating and tailored experience for any event.


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