19 May, 2023

6 Groom Suit Styles For Any Wedding

The Groom's suit is just as important as the Bride's attire. Discover 6 popular groom suit styles and their ideal wedding settings.
Groom with blue suit and red bow tie

While the focus often falls on the Bride’s dress, the Groom’s suit should nev­er be under­es­ti­mat­ed. With var­i­ous wed­ding suit styles to choose from, pick­ing the per­fect one for your spe­cial day can be a daunt­ing task.

To help your deci­sion, here are 6 pop­u­lar groom suit styles, each tai­lored for dif­fer­ent wed­ding scenarios.

The Tuxe­do

The wed­ding tuxe­do exudes time­less class, inject­ing for­mal­i­ty into your big day. It’s the top pick for cou­ples adher­ing to a black-tie dress code. For a unique groom’s look, con­sid­er incor­po­rat­ing a dif­fer­ent coloured satin trim or a sub­tle pat­tern on the jacket.

The Tail­coat

Tak­ing for­mal­i­ty to the next lev­el, the tail­coat epit­o­mis­es ele­gance. This ensem­ble com­pris­es a black tail­coat, black trousers, a bow tie, a white shirt with a detach­able col­lar, and a waist­coat. Opt for this choice to evoke a sense of Hol­ly­wood glamour.

The Three Piece 

Whether sin­gle-breast­ed or dou­ble-breast­ed, a white and black three-piece suit sets a tra­di­tion­al wed­ding tone. These groom suits pos­sess time­less appeal with­out over­shad­ow­ing the bride and her gown. To ele­vate the for­mal­i­ty, pair it with a bowtie or choose a strik­ing tie for a more relaxed look.

The Two Piece 

A laid-back two-piece suit is a great option for grooms plan­ning a more casu­al wed­ding. Whether your theme is fes­ti­val-inspired or an out­door gar­den par­ty, you can opt for an out­fit with or with­out a waist­coat. Alter­na­tive­ly, wear a waist­coat with­out the jack­et for a smart-casu­al twist.

The Tweed Suit 

Part­ly owing to the pop­u­lar­i­ty of the TV dra­ma Peaky Blind­ers, tweed suits have seen a surge in pop­u­lar­i­ty in recent years. Exud­ing an out­doorsy, tra­di­tion­al, and sophis­ti­cat­ed charm, tweed suits are an ide­al choice for autumn and win­ter weddings.

The Lounge Suit 

For beach wed­dings, the lounge suit reigns supreme. Its light colours exude a casu­al vibe while main­tain­ing a for­mal appear­ance suit­able for the groom. Opt for linen or cot­ton mate­ri­als for beach wed­dings and com­ple­ment the look with a short-sleeve shirt. Linen, in par­tic­u­lar, stands out as the pre­ferred choice for beach suits due to its high qual­i­ty and breathability.

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