03 July, 2024

Live music for weddings – 5 reasons you need it

Thinking about having just a speaker and playlist for your wedding? Think again, lie music is what you need and here's why!
Roaming Band - The Strolling Tones

Live music for wed­dings5 rea­sons you need it 

Music can be many things; pow­er­ful, relax­ing, fun. It can wreak hav­oc on our emo­tions, or lull us into the per­fect frame of mind. How? The sci­ence behind it says that lis­ten­ing to music increas­es the blood flow to cer­tain parts of the brain – like the lim­bic sys­tem that process­es our emo­tions and con­trols mem­o­ry. As a result, music affects our moods and plays a major role in reduc­ing stress and even our abil­i­ty to learn new things.

So, what does this have to do with live music for your wed­ding?

Along with the theme, dec­o­ra­tions, venue, your music helps cre­ate that per­fect, mem­o­rable day. It’s a vital ele­ment in pulling off a day that is enter­tain­ing, fun and above all, unique to you. From a sim­ple string quar­tet to start you off down the aisle, to a par­ty wed­ding band that sets the scene for the rest of your reception.

Need more con­vinc­ing? Con­sid­er these five rea­sons to have live music for your wed­ding reception:

#1 Atmos­phere

Think about your favourite movie. Hor­ror, epic fan­ta­sy or romance, and the odds are you can remem­ber exact­ly how you felt the first time you heard the sound­track and can remem­ber how a par­tic­u­lar scene made you feel (Jaws! Any­one?). Music cre­ates atmos­phere and in the case of your wed­ding, it can be ener­getic and upbeat, or sophis­ti­cat­ed and calm. Your choice of live music for your recep­tion and who per­forms it can help ensure that your guests feel exact­ly what you want them to and cre­ate last­ing memories.

Nicky Olly Dance Floor Continued 29
Amber Roaming Band London Party Band Gecko Live Entertainment

#2 Per­son­al touch

There is a time and a place for record­ed music, but when it comes to your wed­ding, you want that pow­er­ful per­son­al touch that comes along with a live band. Not only can you choose your favourite music, when select­ing the wed­ding band, you can make sure they play what you like in the exact way you like it. And that’s not to men­tion com­men­tary, ded­i­ca­tions and audi­ence participation.

#3 Engag­ing entertainment

See above! A live band ramps up ener­gy lev­els and engage with your audi­ence in a way that record­ed music just can’t. Pro­fes­sion­al musi­cians – espe­cial­ly wed­ding bands – have the expe­ri­ence of know­ing what works, what doesn’t, read­ing the room and how to be flex­i­ble to ensure every­one is enter­tained and above all, guests are up and mov­ing to the beat. After all, there’s noth­ing sad­der than an emp­ty dancefloor!

ANTHEM Show Band
AKA Party Band at Owlpen Manor October 2021 7

#4 A most mem­o­rable first dance

In our expe­ri­ence, noth­ing sparks more con­ver­sa­tion (or debate!) than choos­ing the song for the first dance. And the only thing bet­ter than agree­ing on that per­fect com­bi­na­tion of poet­ic lyrics, com­fort­ing beats and emo­tive har­mo­ny, is hav­ing your first dance song played by a live band. Your song played exact­ly the way you want it.

#5 Bring­ing it all together

Live music for wed­dings can go beyond enter­tain­ment. Choos­ing the right live band can ensure a seam­less flow through­out your event, from back­ground music with your pre-din­ner drinks, to sig­nalling speech­es and announc­ing the first dance.

Forté String Quartet String Quartet for hire Gecko Live Entertainment

Whether you’re look­ing for a par­ty band to get your guests danc­ing, or some clas­si­cal music to bring that ele­ment of ele­gance to your event, or some­thing else entire­ly, we can help you choose the right live music for your wed­ding day.

Get in touch with us today.

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