05 June, 2024

Wedding music for your reception – cheese? Or no cheese?

Whatever music you want for your wedding day, it should be music that reflects you, but also that will get you and your guests on the dance floor. It doesn't and shouldn't be just the hipster musical trends and too cool for school, it should also be fun and well known so that you get incredible memories of you and your friends singing at the top of your lungs on the dance floor.
Ellington Luxury Band

Wed­ding music for your recep­tion – cheese? Or no cheese? 

There is a lot to con­sid­er when plan­ning your wed­ding – that goes with­out say­ing. It also goes with­out say­ing that when you’re look­ing to choose music for your wed­ding recep­tion, you’ll come up against the dread­ed C” word. Yes, cheese! 

Now while every­one might like a bit of cheesy music here and there, is it the right music for a wed­ding recep­tion? Well, that depends on what you con­sid­er cheese. Is it cheesy? Or is it a clas­sic? It also depends on whether you’re choos­ing wed­ding music for your recep­tion to sat­is­fy your guests…or your­self. Or both.

If the so-called cheesi­est song ever com­posed means some­thing to you and your part­ner, it def­i­nite­ly should be includ­ed in the music for your wed­ding reception.

So how do you bal­ance your must-haves with enter­tain­ing your guests? Which songs should you choose for your wed­ding recep­tion music?

Cheese or classic?

What is the dif­fer­ence between a cheesy tune and a clas­sic? It’s all about per­cep­tion! Here are a few options for your wed­ding music – you decide!

  • Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Pres­ley – Can you real­ly go wrong with the King?

  • I’m gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Pro­claimers – Five words; How I Met Your Moth­er. Super fun? Right?

  • You Spin Me Right Round by Dead or Alive – It worked for Adam San­dler in the Wed­ding Singer!

  • Danc­ing Queen by Abba – Don’t think we need to say more here.

  • You’re beau­ti­ful by James Blunt – We love him! But this one… well, up to you! Maybe think about Bon­fire Heart instead.
Nicky Olly Dance Floor Continued 29
Slaugham Place First Dance Gecko Live Entertainment

Mod­ern roman­tic cheese

But what about some more mod­ern cheese? Er…classics for your wed­ding music? What do you think of these?

  • Sin­gle Ladies by Bey­on­cé – Er…not just for the sin­gle ladies.

  • Think­ing Out Loud by Ed Sheer­an – It’s Ed! A def­i­nite yes… or con­sid­er Per­fect instead.

  • Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars – He’s got a way with words and the beat. And the moves!

  • Enchant­ed by Tay­lor Swift – She’s not just good for break-up songs.

  • I Like It by Car­di B – A lit­tle Span­ish flavour to your jam.

Get them on the dance­floor cheese

Wed­ding DJs along with the bride and groom always ask one ques­tion – what is going to get wed­ding guests up onto the dance­floor? We’ve got a list… we think they’re full on cheese, so you decide whether they’re worth includ­ing in your music for your wed­ding reception.

  • YMCA by the Vil­lage Peo­ple – Yes, there will be some eye-rolling! But also some wav­ing, bendy arms.

  • Macare­na by Los Del Rio – Some­where, some­how there is some­one who knows all the words!

  • Mam­bo No. 5 by Lou Bega – Just make sure your name isn’t one of the a lit­tle of…

  • Come on Eileen by Dexy’s Mid­night Run­ners – Per­fect for your Gen X guests

  • Every­body (Backstreet’s Back) by (you guessed it) The Back­street Boys – No wed­ding music list is com­plete with­out a lit­tle boy­band magic.

AKA Party Band at Owlpen Manor October 2021 7

If you’d like some help sep­a­rat­ing cheese from clas­sics, or help with select­ing wed­ding music for your recep­tion, get in touch with us today. We’ve got some great acts to choose from.

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