29 May, 2024

The Top Solo & Duo Performers in the UK

Discover our top Solo & Duo Performers - the best in the UK
Azur Duo London Acoustic Duo Gecko Live Entertainment

Dis­cov­er the unpar­al­leled charm of our Solo and Duo acts, renowned across the UK for their cap­ti­vat­ing per­for­mances. These excep­tion­al artists bring a touch of mag­ic to both wed­dings and cor­po­rate events alike, cap­ti­vat­ing audi­ences with their unique blend of tal­ent and entertainment.

From the soul­ful melodies and upbeat tunes that set the tone dur­ing the drinks recep­tion to the seam­less tran­si­tion they pro­vide into the wed­ding break­fast, our acts ensure every moment of your spe­cial day is filled with joy and delight.

With their engag­ing per­for­mances and inter­ac­tive approach, our Solo and Duo acts cre­ate unfor­get­table moments that will be cher­ished by you and your guests for years to come.

The Gui­tar Duo

Part of the Exclu­sive Gecko Artist Col­lec­tion, The Gui­tar Duo blend con­tem­po­rary chart-top­pers with time­less clas­sics. From Cold­play to Han­del, they cre­ate a love­ly ambiance per­fect for din­ing and relax­ation. Ide­al for cock­tail recep­tions, wed­ding break­fasts, cor­po­rate din­ners, and cer­e­monies, this ver­sa­tile duo can per­form indoors or out­doors, adapt­ing to any sound restric­tions seamlessly.

Click HERE to see more of the band.

The Guitar Duo Live Performance at Silchester Farm Gecko Live Entertainment
The Guitar Duo

Plat­inum Strings Duo

Acoustic ActPlat­inum Strings Duo, a vibrant vio­lin duo, daz­zles audi­ences glob­al­ly with mes­meris­ing per­for­mances across var­i­ous gen­res includ­ing Dance, EDM, Afrobeats, and Bollywood.

Click HERE to see more of the band.

Platinum Strings Duo Acoustic Violin duo Corporate events Gecko Live Entertainment
Platinum Strings Duo

Solo Steel Pan

Infuse your event with the exot­ic rhythms of the Caribbean by incor­po­rat­ing our steel pan play­er, who brings vibrant melodies to wed­dings and celebrations.

Click HERE to see more of the band.

Solo Steel Pan P Layer Mica Gecko Live Entertainment
Solo Steel Pan

Solo Sax­o­phon­ist Rob

Solo Sax­o­phon­ist Rob is one of the UK’s top sax­o­phone play­ers. His dynam­ic per­for­mances, rang­ing from soul­ful bal­lads to funky tunes, ele­vate any event with unfor­get­table style and flair.

Click HERE to see more of the band.

Rob Solo Saxophonist for hire Hampshire
Solo Saxophonist Rob

Solo Gui­tarist Duncan

Solo Gui­tarist Dun­can is one of the best in the UK with his unmatched tal­ent and diverse reper­toire of songs make him the per­fect choice for drinks recep­tions and entertainment.

Click HERE to see more of the band.

Solo Guitarist Duncan 1
Solo Guitarist Duncan

Harpist Amie

Amie, the acclaimed lux­u­ry harpist, mes­mer­izes audi­ences with her seam­less blend of clas­si­cal ele­gance and mod­ern allure. Ele­vate your event with her mas­ter­ful per­for­mances that exude sophis­ti­ca­tion and charm.

Click HERE to see more of the band.

Harpist Amie

Let's Talk

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