Harbour Hotel Southampton

Sitting gracefully in the heart of Ocean Village Marina, this architectural marvel is a beacon of luxury. It proudly stands as the sole five-star hotel and spa in Southampton, earning accolades as one of the UK's finest hotels in the prestigious Conde Nast Traveller 2023 Readers' Choice Awards.
Southampton harbour hotel

Indulge in Unmatched Luxury

From the moment you step inside, pre­pare to be enveloped in unpar­al­leled lux­u­ry. Our sev­en-floor, super-yacht-inspired hotel, the only one of its kind in Southamp­ton, awaits you with open arms. As you ascend, you’ll dis­cov­er a rooftop bar, restau­rant, and ter­race on the sixth floor, as well as an award-win­ning restau­rant that offers per­fect views right at the water’s edge. And if relax­ation is on your agen­da, our HarSPA and pool pro­vide the ide­al retreat before you retire to one of our super-smart rooms, each graced with its own balcony.

Ocean Vil­lage Mari­na Elegance

Our icon­ic hotel, sit­u­at­ed in the refined Ocean Vil­lage Mari­na, ris­es majes­ti­cal­ly above the lux­u­ry boats of Southamp­ton. With its tiered ter­race-style decks, it stands as a tes­ta­ment to sophis­ti­ca­tion. From your bal­cony or deck, you can catch glimpses of cruise ships and yachts embark­ing on their adven­tures while savor­ing grand views of the Solent. There is tru­ly no bet­ter place to explore the south coast, whether by land or sea.

Explore Southamp­ton’s Rich Heritage

A short trip into the city leads you to dis­cov­er Southamp­ton’s rich mar­itime and archi­tec­tur­al her­itage, both past and present. Explore medieval Bar­gate, and don’t miss the world-famous Titan­ic exhi­bi­tion at the Sea City Muse­um. Southamp­ton, a met­ro­pol­i­tan mec­ca on the south coast, offers an eclec­tic mix of shop­ping and enter­tain­ment at West Quay. Right at the hotel’s doorstep, you’ll find a sophis­ti­cat­ed mari­na, com­plete with cin­e­mas, trendy bars, and chic restau­rants. If a coun­try­side escape beck­ons, the New For­est is only a short dri­ve away, with its quaint vil­lages and pic­turesque land­scapes. For those plan­ning jour­neys fur­ther afield, rest assured that Southamp­ton’s Cen­tral Rail­way Sta­tion and cruise ter­mi­nals are just min­utes away.

Harbour Hotel Wedding
There's a lot to think about, but don't worry. Check out more info about weddings and chat with our friendly team about how to create the best day!

The Bow

For those seek­ing to make a strik­ing state­ment, your search ends here. This mag­nif­i­cent space, boast­ing floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows, glis­ten­ing chan­de­liers, a pri­vate bar, and a spa­cious deck offer­ing epic views across the mari­na and out towards the Solent, is the ide­al choice for seam­less­ly tran­si­tion­ing larg­er cel­e­bra­tions from the cer­e­mo­ny to the wed­ding break­fast and evening festivities.

The Nee­dles

The Nee­dles space is tai­lor-made for bring­ing togeth­er your clos­est loved ones for an inti­mate and extra­or­di­nary cel­e­bra­tion. With breath­tak­ing seascape views and expan­sive floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows, it offers an idyl­lic set­ting to savor your spe­cial day with­in a more inti­mate atmosphere.

Bespoke Wed­ding Entertainment

Cre­at­ing you a bespoke wed­ding enter­tain­ment pack­age is what we are all about. We know that one size does­n’t fit all, and you will want to make the most of your wed­ding day. We have a large ros­ter of spe­cial­ly select­ed acts that are per­fect­ly suit­ed to each space at The Har­bour Hotel.

The dif­fer­ent stages of a wed­ding from Cer­e­mo­ny, Drinks Recep­tion, Wed­ding Break­fast and on to the evening par­ty each require atten­tion to detail. We know how much thought you have put into your wed­ding day, let us help give you the best musi­cal options to pick from. A wed­ding par­ty is much more than just music, we believe it should be some­thing spe­cial, reflect­ing you as a cou­ple, and should be a cel­e­bra­tion that you and your guests will remem­ber for a life­time.

Click HERE to see how we do weddings.

Harbour Hotel Wedding Fairy Lights


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