Kingston Maurward

Dorset’s hidden wedding venue gem that has everything you could need for your wedding day.
Kingston Maurawrd Dorchester Event venue

About Kingston Maurward

Kingston Mau­r­ward is an award win­ning wed­ding venue that is set in 750 acres of stun­ning Dorset coun­try­side. The 18th cen­tu­ry House and Gar­dens are set just out­side the idyl­lic mar­ket town of Dorch­ester and boasts a peace­ful and tran­quil setting.

With exten­sive lawns, gar­dens, scenic lake and glo­ri­ous man­sion house, Kingston Mau­r­ward is a beau­ti­ful back­drop for your wed­ding day. 

Kingstone Maurward College Wedding Gecko Live Entertainment

Wed­dings at Kingston Maurward

There are so many incred­i­ble spaces at Kingston Mau­r­ward that can be tai­lored to suit you and how you want your wed­ding day to feel.

The Grand Entrance Hall

High ceil­ings, huge chan­de­lier and twin mar­ble fire­places make the entrance hall an impres­sive first impres­sion for guests and par­ty goers

Mau­r­ward Hall

Open light and airy, the Mau­r­ward Hall is the best spot for din­ing and for your evening par­ty. It can be trans­formed into a bril­liant evening par­ty venue from the more for­mal din­ing room for you wed­ding break­fast. Drapes in the ceil­ing, large panoram­ic win­dows and easy access to the bar and facil­i­ties make it the per­fect area for a great party.

The Pen­gel­ly Room

For­mal­ly the music room of the house, it is rich­ly dec­o­rat­ed with hand paint­ed Ital­ian wall­pa­per. The space is entered via the entrance hall, and the room com­mands a view over the rolling hills and onto the 5 acre lake. This is the per­fect place for small­er, more inti­mate wed­ding cer­e­monies and drinks receptions.

The Ter­race

Lead­ing from the main house to the lawns, The Ter­race is a great enter­tain­ing space that works bril­liant­ly for out­door drinks recep­tions and cock­tail hours. Th Ter­race is all about a glass of some­thing cel­e­bra­to­ry, a deli­cious canapé and tak­ing in the amaz­ing setting.

How to make the most of your live enter­tain­ment at Kingston Maurward

Our top tip for choos­ing music for your wed­ding at Kingston Mau­r­ward is to think about all the parts of the day indi­vid­u­al­ly and then take a look at some wed­ding options that can be used in mul­ti­ple parts of your day. Write a list of your most impor­tant part of the day and if there is spe­cif­ic music that you want to punc­tu­ate the day with. For exam­ple you might not be hav­ing a first dance, but instead be hav­ing a big entrance song.

Kingston Mau­raerd works so well for all types of music, so the sky real­ly is your lim­it. Our team know the venue real­ly well and have worked there pre­vi­ous­ly so will be able to guide you to some great options. As a good start, we love a string quar­tet for the cer­e­mo­ny and drinks recep­tion, lead­ing to a roam­ing band for your cock­tail hour fol­lowed by an awe­some live par­ty band for the evening party.

Maurward Hall Gecko Live Entertainment
Kingston Maurawrd Dorset Gecko Live Entertainment

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