Slaugham Place

Slaugham Place is undoubtedly one of Sussex's hidden wedding venue gems. Picturesque grounds and its flexibility allow you to shape your day precisely as you envision it. Entertainment seamlessly complements the charm of Slaugham Place, and we take great delight in collaborating here to ensure your special day is nothing short of magical.
Slaugham Place Sussex Wedding Venue

A Lit­tle History

The Moat House at Slaugh­am Place has been the res­i­dence of Lady Urwick. It was acquired by her late hus­band, Sir Alan Urwick, in 1976. After serv­ing with dis­tinc­tion for 37 years in MI6 and the For­eign Office, Sir Alan was called upon by the Hous­es of Par­lia­ment to assume the role of Ser­jeant at Arms until his retirement.

Upon relo­cat­ing to Slaugh­am, they encoun­tered ruins and gar­dens in a state of severe dis­re­pair. Over the course of approx­i­mate­ly four decades, they ded­i­cat­ed them­selves to the exten­sive restora­tion of the ruins and the gar­den, with invalu­able assis­tance from Arthur Shop­land from the vil­lage. These efforts stand as a tes­ta­ment to Sir Alan’s dual pas­sions: his­to­ry and gardening.

Today, the fam­i­ly con­tin­ues to over­see the man­age­ment of the wed­ding venue while dili­gent­ly main­tain­ing and enhanc­ing the grounds.

Slaugham Place Sussex Wedding Venue Gecko Live Entertainment

Wed­dings and Events at Slaugh­am Place

On Arrival
As your guests arrive at Slaugh­am Place, they will find ample park­ing con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed out­side the walled gar­dens. Once inside, the exten­sive grounds with­in the walls offer a mul­ti­tude of vis­tas and path­ways for your guests to explore while they gath­er, per­haps enjoy­ing a leisure­ly stroll with a wel­come drink in hand.

Cer­e­monies and Drinks

Slaugh­am holds a license for wed­dings under the main arch­es at Slaugh­am Place, allow­ing you to have your mar­riage cer­e­mo­ny right here with the ser­vices of a reg­is­trar. This is a total­ly unique and won­der­ful space for your vows.

After exchang­ing your vows, it’s time to savor the beau­ty of the stun­ning grounds at Slaugh­am Place and cap­ture those essen­tial day­time pho­tographs. This idyl­lic moment is enhanced with the sooth­ing sounds of acoustic music, the delight­ful pres­ence of roam­ing bands, or even the cap­ti­vat­ing per­for­mance of one of our excep­tion­al mod­ern brass bands. At Slaugh­am Place, all of these options work har­mo­nious­ly to cre­ate a tru­ly mem­o­rable and enchant­i­ng experience.

The Evening Party

At Slaugh­am Place, there are vir­tu­al­ly no restric­tions on what you can have for your evening par­ty. Whether you envi­sion an elec­tri­fy­ing par­ty band, a dynam­ic DJ, an Acoustic Roam­ing Band, or any oth­er unique enter­tain­ment to set the per­fect par­ty atmos­phere, the options are wide open.

Our deep famil­iar­i­ty with Slaugh­am Place enables us to pro­vide expert guid­ance, help­ing you select the live music that aligns seam­less­ly with your over­all plan for the day and match­es your pre­ferred musi­cal styles. Rest assured, we will ensure that every guest’s musi­cal tastes are catered to, ensur­ing a mem­o­rable and enjoy­able expe­ri­ence for all. Your evening cel­e­bra­tion will be a reflec­tion of your vision and pref­er­ences, tai­lored to perfection.

How to make the most of your live enter­tain­ment at Slaugh­am Place

When select­ing music for your wed­ding at Slaugh­am Place, here’s a valu­able tip: break down the var­i­ous parts of your day indi­vid­u­al­ly and con­sid­er music options that can seam­less­ly tran­si­tion between them. Start by list­ing the most impor­tant seg­ments of your day and iden­ti­fy any spe­cif­ic music you’d like to enhance each of these moments. For instance, you might opt for a grand entrance song instead of a tra­di­tion­al first dance.

Slaugh­am Place is excep­tion­al­ly ver­sa­tile when it comes to accom­mo­dat­ing dif­fer­ent musi­cal styles, so your choic­es are vir­tu­al­ly lim­it­less. Our team is inti­mate­ly famil­iar with the venue and has pre­vi­ous­ly worked there, enabling us to offer expert guid­ance and sug­gest excel­lent options.

As a start­ing point, con­sid­er a string quar­tet for the cer­e­mo­ny and drinks recep­tion, fol­lowed by a roam­ing band to set the mood dur­ing the cock­tail hour. Then, to ensure an unfor­get­table evening par­ty, con­sid­er the live­ly per­for­mance of an awe­some live par­ty band. The music can tru­ly ele­vate every part of your spe­cial day at Slaugh­am Place.

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