10 March, 2025

Case Study - De Vere Christmas Parties

A 5+ year partnership with De Vere Hotels providing performers and live party bands for their in house awards, exclusive events and Christmas Parties.
De Vere Wokefield Estate Corporate Gecko Live Entertainment Singer

De Vere Christ­mas Par­ties and Partnership

After the lock­down mad­ness, De Vere Woke­field Estate got in touch with us about relaunch­ing their Christ­mas Par­ty Nights for that year’s fes­tive sea­son. De Vere have always had great suc­cess with their Decem­ber join­er par­ties, and want­ed some fresh new bands and acts to pro­mote to their clients and relaunch their venue Christ­mas Join­er Par­ties. Gecko was able to offer a selec­tion of bands for their events as well as some Bublé trib­utes, offer­ing vari­ety and the option to make each night unique. From this ini­tial brief and quo­ta­tion, we have now gone on to pro­vide bands, acts, trib­utes and oth­er artists for events across the De Vere hotel chain and have become the go-to sup­pli­er for De Vere Woke­field and De Vere Cotswold Water Parks for live entertainment.

The Ini­tial Brief — Christ­mas Join­er Par­ties and New Year’s Eve celebration

The brief De Vere pre­sent­ed was sim­ple but need­ed to be right. The hotel group want­ed to relaunch their Christ­mas Par­ty Join­er nights and need­ed enter­tain­ment for after din­ner. The chal­lenge here for gecko was to present a selec­tion of artists who reflect­ed the stan­dards that De Vere expect along with ensur­ing that the style worked for their clients which can be fair­ly broad.

For­tu­nate­ly for us this is not an uncom­mon brief and our artist ros­ter con­tains a num­ber of bands that are per­fect for this.

  • A lively 4 or 5 piece party band
  • Need to be self contained with lighting and a sound system
  • Availability on all the dates required including NYE
  • Cater for an audience of mixed ages and musical styles
  • Able to engage a crowd and fill a dancefloor

Gecko Live’s Proposal

All our pro­pos­als take the fol­low­ing ini­tial steps. Talk to the artists that have been request­ed, or those that we think will be most well suit­ed and ensure their avail­abil­i­ty for the dates required, along with con­firm­ing the fees and pric­ing for the bands. Our team then takes this and builds the quote which con­tains the artist’s name, a link to their pro­file (con­tain­ing videos, pic­tures, reper­toire lists and tes­ti­mo­ni­als from pre­vi­ous clients) and pric­ing for the band. Often bands will be able to offer 2 or more per­former line ups, and we list these indi­vid­u­al­ly so they are easy to read, under­stand, and offer the lev­el of flex­i­bil­i­ty clients need.

The Result

The band cho­sen for De Vere Cotswold Water Parks was Huddle’s 5 piece band. De Vere thought that the style of the band, their abil­i­ty to cov­er such a wide range of gen­res and their price point was per­fect for the Join­er parties. 

Hud­dle have now been the in house band for De Vere Cotswold Water Parks for 3 con­sec­u­tive years, per­form­ing at all of the Join­er Par­ties and the New Years Eve par­ty, work­ing along­side the in-house DJ to cre­ate fan­tas­tic par­ty nights. Their per­for­mances and style has worked so well that De Vere have had repeat book­ings from busi­ness for the join­er par­ties as well as very ear­ly on book­ings for fol­low­ing years lead­ing to bet­ter tick­et sales and a con­sis­tent per­for­mance stan­dard that their clients have come to expect.

Highway Soul London Live Soul Band For Hire Gecko Live Entetainment

Gecko Live Entertainment Julia Sax

Central Sounds Corporate Entertainment Agency Gecko Live Entertainment

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