Christ­mas Join­er Parties

Join­er’s par­ties are all about bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er to have fun, enjoy a great feast, and par­ty the night away. We have pro­vid­ed the music and enter­tain­ment for dozens of join­ers’ par­ties at dif­fer­ent venues and under­stand the for­mat bet­ter than most!

Hav­ing an under­stand­ing of the for­mat and what needs to hap­pen to get it just right for your clients is key. It is all about cre­at­ing a bril­liant par­ty atmos­phere from the moment of your guest’s arrival right through to the last minced pie.

Work­ing in col­lab­o­ra­tion with your onsite events teams we help to ensure the smooth run­ning of each date and can tai­lor the music and enter­tain­ment to suit your theme or fes­tive client.

We know that join­er par­ties are a great way for small­er com­pa­nies to come togeth­er but that brings with it the added chal­lenge of 100+ peo­ple that may not know each oth­er. Each of our acts is accus­tomed to cre­at­ing a wel­com­ing atmos­phere, putting guests at ease, entic­ing them to the dance­floor, and ensur­ing a night to remember.

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Christmas Live Entertainment
Festive Singers
Popline Corporate Jazz Entertainment Gecko Live Entertainment

Par­ty Bands

Noth­ing beats the pres­ence and pow­er of a live par­ty band. All our bands come with light­ing and a top sound sys­tem. Below is a selec­tion of our favourite par­ty bands we have used for Christ­mas parties


Our clas­sic DJ pack­age with daz­zling light­ing and a top sound sys­tem. Music that can be tai­lored to your guest with a first class DJ that can take requests and alter the mood to suit.

  • Professional DJ
  • Party Lighting
  • Sound System
  • Music during dinner and dancing
DJ George London Live DJ for hire Gecko Live Entertainment