03 October, 2023

Work Christmas Party Entertainment Ideas

If you're planning your corporate Christmas party now, you'll know that the right entertainment is crucial for a successful event. Here are some Christmas entertainment ideas.
Work Christmas Party Ideas

Work Christ­mas Par­ty Enter­tain­ment Ideas

If you haven’t already, it’s time to start plan­ning your cor­po­rate Christ­mas par­ty. And if you’re not sure where to start, when it comes to qual­i­ty live enter­tain­ment, we can help. Whether you’re cel­e­brat­ing in a small or large venue, choos­ing the right enter­tain­ment can be key to mak­ing your fes­tive event a suc­cess. Here are a few dif­fer­ent enter­tain­ment ideas to get you thinking.

80s Trib­ute Band

Get ready to trans­port your col­leagues back to the era of big hair, neon lights, and icon­ic 80s hits. An 80s trib­ute band can rekin­dle the spir­it of that unfor­get­table decade with clas­sics from Madon­na, George Michael, and more. With a huge amount of expe­ri­ence head­lin­ing cor­po­rate events, Back To The 80s is a band that isn’t afraid to play a cheesy banger to get the crowd jumping. 

A Vin­tage Singing Act 

A vin­tage act can bring time­less charm to any spe­cial event. When it comes to live vin­tage enter­tain­ment, The Bee­hives are cer­tain­ly a cut above the rest. Their har­mo­nious melodies and acoustic instru­ments cre­ate a sophis­ti­cat­ed ambi­ence that’s per­fect for min­gling and set­ting a classy atmos­phere at your Christ­mas party.

A Trib­ute Act

A trib­ute act is always a great choice for live enter­tain­ment and no Christ­mas sea­son would be com­plete with­out a bit of Michael Bublé or the time­less essence of a Rat Pack tune or J Bublé. Enjoy the smooth sounds of pop­u­lar hits while sip­ping on a clas­sic cock­tail and enjoy­ing the hol­i­day cheer.

Or, for some­thing a lit­tle more out there, inject some ener­gy with some­thing like a Katy Per­ry trib­ute or the tru­ly clas­sic ABBA. These vibrant shows will have every­one on their feet and are sure to fill the dance­floor with fes­tive energy.

Try a Lit­tle Soul 

If you want to infuse your event with soul­ful vibes, a soul band is an excel­lent choice. Their rhyth­mic and emo­tion­al tunes will add depth and ener­gy to your Christ­mas par­ty, mak­ing it an unfor­get­table night of danc­ing and cel­e­bra­tion. Our act Soul Force has fif­teen years of expe­ri­ence and is avail­able in a num­ber of line­up options — right up to an eight piece! So not only do you get great vocals but also an out­stand­ing reper­toire and a horn section. 

Old School Rock and Roll Band

Bring out the rock n’ roll spir­it with an old school rock and roll band. They’ll have your col­leagues twist­ing and shout­ing to clas­sics like John­ny B. Goode” and Great Balls of Fire.” Cadil­lac has the looks, the moves and the sounds. Com­pris­ing of male vocals, gui­tar, drums and a dou­ble bass, they have a seri­ous­ly authen­tic sound mak­ing them per­fect for a 50’s or 60’s themed cor­po­rate party. 

A Band to Span the Decades

Nos­tal­gia knows no bounds when you bring in a band that can cov­er the 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond. From Elvis Pres­ley to the Bea­t­les, right up to The Killers and the Kings of Leon, live enter­tain­ment which spans decades, is an excel­lent way to ensure that there’s some­thing for every­one. We love bands like The Fel­lows and Chique who have a huge reper­toire and can offer their clients a broad range of line­up options to meet their needs. 

90s Par­ty Band

It feels like only yes­ter­day! For those who fond­ly remem­ber the 90s, 90s par­ty band is the per­fect choice. Get ready for a blast from the past with hits from the Spice Girls, Nir­vana, and many oth­er icon­ic artists. A band such as Jukes, like many of our acts, can offer mul­ti­ple line­ups to suit your needs and offer a sort of Kissto­ry reper­toire that your crowd will absolute­ly love.

Jazz Ensem­ble

Cre­ate a smooth and laid-back atmos­phere with a jazz ensem­ble. The cool melodies and impro­vi­sa­tion­al style will add a touch of sophis­ti­ca­tion to your Christ­mas cel­e­bra­tion. A band such as Pink Flamin­go Duo offers laid back sophis­ti­ca­tion for a drinks recep­tion or any cor­po­rate event where you want your guests to mix and mingle. 

No mat­ter the musi­cal pref­er­ences or the size of your venue, there’s a band to suit your needs. The right enter­tain­ment can trans­form your work Christ­mas par­ty into an unfor­get­table cel­e­bra­tion of hol­i­day cheer and cama­raderie. And we’re here to help you nar­row down the search and choose an act that meets your unique needs. If you’d like to talk about your upcom­ing cor­po­rate event, why not get in touch and we can dis­cuss how we work to make every­thing run that lit­tle bit more smoothly?