13 October, 2023

Corporate Event Party Ideas: Unconventional Entertainment That Wows

As the year ends, consider unique entertainment options for your corporate Christmas party. Explore unconventional choices to dazzle colleagues and make the event memorable.
Corporate Event Party Ideas

Cor­po­rate event par­ty ideas: Out of the ordi­nary enter­tain­ment that wows

A Casi­no Night Extravaganza

Step into the world of glitz and glam­our with a casi­no-themed cor­po­rate par­ty. Set up pok­er tables, roulette wheels, and black­jack games. It’s an inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence that adds an ele­ment of com­pe­ti­tion and excite­ment to your event. Guests can try their luck with play mon­ey, adding an extra lay­er of enter­tain­ment and friend­ly rival­ry to the evening.

Giant or Inter­ac­tive Games

Add an ele­ment of fun to your work’s Christ­mas par­ty with inter­ac­tive games. Giant Jen­ga, human-sized chess, or inter­ac­tive video games are fan­tas­tic ways to engage your col­leagues and encour­age net­work­ing. These larg­er-than-life games pro­vide a fun and unique twist to your cor­po­rate par­ty, fos­ter­ing team­work and friend­ly competition.

Unmask the Mur­der Mystery

Trans­port your guests into a world of mys­tery and intrigue with a mur­der mys­tery din­ner. This immer­sive expe­ri­ence encour­ages par­tic­i­pants to solve a fic­tion­al crime while enjoy­ing a deli­cious meal. It’s great fun for every­one involved. 

Cre­ate a Sun­shine Vibe 

For a musi­cal expe­ri­ence that’s sure to be a hit, con­sid­er hir­ing a steel drum band. The trop­i­cal, sooth­ing sounds of steel drums will trans­port your guests to a Caribbean par­adise, even in the mid­dle of win­ter. With a sweet sound, fan­tas­tic food and a fruity punch or cock­tail, it’s a unique and joy­ful way to set the mood and add a touch of sun­shine to your party.

A whol­ly Unique Reception 

If you’re look­ing for a more ele­gant and clas­si­cal touch, a lutenist can pro­vide an enchant­i­ng musi­cal back­drop for your event. The beau­ti­ful, melod­ic sounds of this string instru­ment can cre­ate a sophis­ti­cat­ed ambi­ence that res­onates with your guests, ide­al for an inti­mate drinks recep­tion. Take a look at our The­o­r­bo Play­er James to find out more about this intrigu­ing act.

Broad­way Trib­ute Band

Not just for the the­atre enthu­si­asts in your com­pa­ny, a band that exclu­sive­ly plays Broad­way trib­ute songs is the ulti­mate treat. This superb act will recre­ate the mag­ic of beloved musi­cals, from time­less clas­sics to con­tem­po­rary hits. Show­stop­per after show­stop­per, your guests will be sur­prised by just how many clas­sics they know! 

Your cor­po­rate Christ­mas event should be tai­lored to your com­pa­ny cul­ture and brand val­ues. Tak­ing the time to think about what your teams will real­ly enjoy will help you cre­ate an authen­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tion of your organ­i­sa­tion. Explore a range of ideas before short­list­ing, tools such as our Acts fil­ter can real­ly help with this. 

Good luck with the plan­ning and if there’s any­thing you’d like to chat about or get advice on, please do get in touch.