10 October, 2023

Christmas Party Entertainment for Smaller Venues

Here are some great suggestions for quality live Christmas entertainment for smaller, more intimate venues.
Entertainment for Smaller Venues

Christ­mas Par­ty Enter­tain­ment for Small­er Venues

Christ­mas Par­ty sea­son is fast approach­ing and if your team has been tasked with organ­is­ing your cor­po­rate par­ty then we’re here to help. Here we take a look at what live enter­tain­ment works for a small­er set­ting or more inti­mate par­ty venue. 

Inti­mate Acoustic Acts

When it comes to cre­at­ing a cosy and invit­ing atmos­phere, small inti­mate acoustic acts are a per­fect choice. These per­form­ers can turn a sim­ple gath­er­ing into an enchant­i­ng affair. Pic­ture a solo acoustic gui­tarist like Ser­e­na or a duo with vocals such as Klink ser­e­nad­ing your guests with soul­ful ren­di­tions of clas­sic songs or even Christ­mas Carols. 

The acoustic sound is per­fect for small­er venues, allow­ing your guests to enjoy the music while still engag­ing in con­ver­sa­tions. Many acoustic acts can also offer a sur­pris­ing array of line-up com­bi­na­tions. Pen­ta­gon Acoustic Band, for exam­ple, is part of a larg­er band and so we will be able to arrange a more bespoke enter­tain­ment pack­age if that’s what you need. Alter­na­tive­ly, bands such as Shake Up Acoustic and Orchid AcousticRétro Vivre offer per­cus­sion, sax and even a dou­ble bass.

Sim­i­lar­ly, a singer-pianist like our Piano Play­er Tom can cre­ate a fan­tas­tic ambi­ence. A skilled artist can weave hol­i­day clas­sics and con­tem­po­rary hits into a har­mo­nious melody, cre­at­ing a mag­i­cal atmos­phere that com­ple­ments the inti­ma­cy of your venue. 

Hire a DJ to start the party

A nat­ur­al choice for a small­er venue, a DJ like Chris can turn your inti­mate space into a win­ter won­der­land. Col­lab­o­rate with a DJ who can curate a playlist that incor­po­rates Christ­mas clas­sics while infus­ing your brand’s unique per­son­al­i­ty into the mix. 

DJs are ver­sa­tile enter­tain­ers, capa­ble of read­ing the crowd and adjust­ing the ener­gy lev­el to suit your even­t’s atmos­phere per­fect­ly. There is a huge range of DJs and even a silent dis­co over on our Acts Page — so you can start plan­ning right away. Alter­na­tive­ly, look out for our spe­cial­ist DJs who offer addi­tion­al per­cus­sion, strings or a sax for a com­plete­ly unique experience.

Small­er Bands

If you’re look­ing for a more dynam­ic and engag­ing expe­ri­ence, con­sid­er a small band con­sist­ing of 3 to 4 musi­cians such as High Volt­age or Shack­le Trio. The com­bi­na­tion of vocals, gui­tars, drums, and oth­er instru­ments can bring a ver­sa­tile and inter­ac­tive per­for­mance to your par­ty. Small­er bands can adapt to your venue size and pro­vide a vibrant sound that res­onates with your guests, mak­ing it a mem­o­rable celebration.

What are Gecko’s tips for plan­ning a small cor­po­rate Christ­mas party? 

Our num­ber one tip would be to make sure your enter­tain­ment choice aligns with your brand val­ues. It’s also impor­tant to make sure they can deliv­er on what they promise so car­ry out your due dili­gence on them. 

In keep­ing with the idea of stay­ing true to your brand, try to incor­po­rate a per­son­al touch where you can. This can be achieved through dec­o­ra­tion or favours, but it can also be cre­at­ed by the right live band. Expe­ri­enced acts will be warm and wel­com­ing towards your audi­ence, encour­ag­ing par­tic­i­pa­tion and even giv­ing the odd shout out or ded­i­cat­ing songs to your organisation’s key achievements. 

Above all, we’d sug­gest doing plen­ty of research and talk­ing to the experts. At Gecko we have decades of expe­ri­ence as musi­cians as well as in cor­po­rate event organ­i­sa­tion and we’re always hap­py to offer advice or give our rec­om­men­da­tions — just get in touch!

Plan­ning a brand’s Christ­mas par­ty in a small­er venue presents a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate an inti­mate and mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence. The choice of enter­tain­ment, whether it’s an acoustic act, singer-pianist, DJ, or a small­er band, plays a piv­otal role in set­ting the tone for the event. So, embrace the Christ­mas spir­it, and let the mag­ic of music and cel­e­bra­tion ele­vate your brand’s Christ­mas par­ty to new heights. 

You can explore our full range of live enter­tain­ment, all of which have been vet­ted and approved by us, over on our com­pre­hen­sive Acts Page — hap­py searching.