Sopley Mill

Dating back to 1066, this historic venue, renewed in 2013, boasts original watermill features, oak beams, and stunning Avon water meadow views. Private and picturesque, just 8 minutes from Bournemouth.
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Sopley Mill Hampshire Wedding Venue Gecko Live Entertainment

Time­less Ele­gance, River­side Serenity.

The roots of The Mill trace back to the his­toric year of 1066 in Sop­ley. Over the cen­turies, it has under­gone numer­ous ren­o­va­tions, recon­struc­tions, and rebirths. The cur­rent iter­a­tion, stand­ing proud­ly since around 1780, has been in the own­er­ship of a sin­gle fam­i­ly since 1870. Hav­ing served its pur­pose as a work­ing Mill until the mid-50s, The Mill embarked on trans­for­ma­tion in 2013. A year-long ren­o­va­tion project restored this remark­able build­ing to its for­mer glory.

Retain­ing the enchant­i­ng orig­i­nal fea­tures of the water­mill, includ­ing oak beams, exposed brick­work, and mes­meris­ing views over the Avon water mead­ows, the build­ing exudes time­less beau­ty. The gar­dens and lawn, embraced by the Avon Mill­stream on both sides, cre­ate a wild and pic­turesque set­ting for wed­dings and pri­vate events and par­ties. Despite being just 8 min­utes from the heart of Bournemouth, the loca­tion is a hid­den gem, offer­ing com­plete pri­va­cy with no oth­er hous­es in sight. The Mill stands as a tes­ta­ment to his­to­ry, blend­ing its rich past with the seren­i­ty of its present landscape.

A Gor­geous Blank Can­vas for Your Per­fect Day

Sop­ley Mill is exclu­sive­ly yours, offer­ing pri­va­cy and flex­i­bil­i­ty to craft a unique wed­ding. The venue serves as a blank can­vas for cou­ples to design their per­fect day, pro­vid­ing stun­ning views, a beau­ti­ful his­toric build­ing, and unpar­al­leled pri­va­cy. Clients can choose their pre­ferred pho­tog­ra­phers, florists, wed­ding plan­ners, dec­o­ra­tions, and cater­ers from an exten­sive list, ensur­ing a per­son­alised and mem­o­rable celebration.

Sopley Mill New Forest Wedding Venue Gecko Live Entertainment
Sopley Mill New Forest Wedding Gecko Live Entertainment

Your Way, Your Wedding

Whether you’re plan­ning a cosy cel­e­bra­tion or a big bash, Sop­ley Mill has got you cov­ered with two cool options.

Option 1 lets you have the whole place to your­self, so you can craft your day your way – super unique and total­ly you. 

Option 2 gives you a bit more help from the awe­some Sop­ley Mill team. They can guide you and help set things up. If you’re more of a DIY hero, they’ve got a bunch of trust­ed sup­pli­ers to make it all a breeze. You choose how you want to roll on your big day!

A Year-Round Haven for Celebrations

The Mill is per­fect for wed­dings in any sea­son. On sun­ny days, treat your guests to drinks and canapés on the river­side ter­race, offer­ing stun­ning views and even a round of cro­quet — per­fect for some acoustic music and back­ground enter­tain­ment. For win­ter or rainy days, the ground floor of The Mill trans­forms into a char­ac­ter­ful indoor haven. Enjoy drinks from the ground floor bar or served by wait­ers as guests arrive. With a crack­ling fire and twin­kling lights, it’s a splen­did set­ting for a win­ter recep­tion or an excel­lent Plan B if the weath­er turns outside.

As the sun sets, the Gra­nary room at The Mill trans­forms into the per­fect stage for your first dance and live par­ty band. With lights dimmed and the Pot­ting Shed Bar open for a touch of Dutch courage, the dance floor becomes yours. Live music at The Mill ele­vates the evening, offer­ing an array of par­ty bands to keep the cel­e­bra­tion alive. The options are plen­ti­ful, allow­ing you to choose the band that per­fect­ly com­ple­ments your style.

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