RHS Wisley

RHS Garden Wisley, situated in Wisley, Surrey, is a stunning wedding venue nestled in the picturesque Surrey Hills. Only 20 minutes from Guildford and 40 minutes from London, this magnificent location sets the stage for an enchanting wedding celebration.
See RHS Wisley's wedding page
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Wed­dings at RHS Wisley

Licensed for civ­il cer­e­monies, RHS Gar­den Wis­ley pro­vides var­i­ous event spaces to suit your pref­er­ences. The But­ter­fly Lovers Pavil­ion, a charm­ing Chi­nese-style struc­ture on the Sev­en Acres lawn, accom­mo­dates up to 150 guests. The Waterlily Pavil­ion, posi­tioned at the Jel­li­coe Canal’s end, offers breath­tak­ing views of the walled gar­den and seats 100 guests.

Fol­low­ing your cer­e­mo­ny, enjoy a relax­ing drinks recep­tion on the Glasshouse Ter­race over­look­ing the lake. The Glasshouse, adja­cent to the ter­race, can host 140 seat­ed or 180 stand­ing guests, boast­ing a water­fall and trop­i­cal plants, cre­at­ing a roman­tic set­ting for your wed­ding recep­tion. For a more casu­al gath­er­ing, the Glasshouse Restau­rant is an excel­lent choice, allow­ing you to dine alfres­co, watch the sun­set, and dance the night away. The Hill­top, RHS Gar­den Wis­ley’s newest addi­tion, is a state-of-the-art space accom­mo­dat­ing 200 seat­ed or 400 stand­ing guests.

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Incred­i­ble Spaces at RHS Wisley

The Glass House — Expe­ri­ence the extra­or­di­nary at our spec­tac­u­lar Glasshouse, an unpar­al­leled set­ting for your wed­ding recep­tion amidst exot­ic plants and a cap­ti­vat­ing water­fall. A tru­ly unique and enchant­i­ng expe­ri­ence awaits you and your guests.

Hill­top — Dis­cov­er the lat­est addi­tion to RHS Gar­den Wis­ley, a ver­sa­tile and blank can­vas space sur­round­ed by three stun­ning gar­dens. Your event awaits in this dynam­ic and beau­ti­ful setting.

The Tulip Room — Cel­e­brate your inti­mate wed­ding recep­tion at the Tulip Tree Room, where large con­ser­va­to­ry win­dows frame breath­tak­ing views over Sev­en Acres. Expe­ri­ence the per­fect blend of ele­gance and nat­ur­al beau­ty in this enchant­i­ng setting.

Waterlil­ly Pavl­lion — Exchange your vows in a beau­ti­ful bless­ing cer­e­mo­ny at the Waterlily Pavil­ion, where the icon­ic Lab­o­ra­to­ry build­ing and canal cre­ate a pic­turesque back­drop. Immerse your­self in the enchant­i­ng atmos­phere of this stun­ning set­ting as you embark on this spe­cial moment in your jour­ney together.

But­ter­fly Lovers Pavil­ion — Nes­tled on the lawns of Sev­en Acres, the But­ter­fly Lovers Pavil­ion offers an idyl­lic set­ting over­look­ing the lake, cre­at­ing the per­fect focal point for your bless­ing cer­e­mo­ny. Let the nat­ur­al beau­ty sur­round­ing this pavil­ion enhance the sig­nif­i­cance of your spe­cial moment.

Live Music at VENUE NAME

Live music at RHS Wis­ley works hand in hand. Acoustic ensem­bles work beau­ti­ful­ly well in the gar­dens, and the mean­der­ing sounds of your cho­sen per­form­ers will trans­form this beau­ti­ful space. We think that the drinks recep­tion is one of the most over­looked parts of a wed­ding day for music and at RHS Wis­ley back­ground music to enhance the already stun­ning loca­tion works a dream.

Our top rec­om­men­da­tions for small­er and more clas­si­cal ensem­bles are our Gui­tar Duo, Fortée string quar­tet, or Solo gui­tarist Jake. How­ev­er, for cre­at­ing the ulti­mate wed­ding sound­track, we rec­om­mend our in-house roam­ing band The Strolling Tones, or jazz it up with Red Hot Horns. These bands can roam and min­gle with you and your guests through­out any of the spaces at RHS Wisley.

An evening par­ty and wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion has 2 main priorities.

First­ly we want to wel­come you to the dance­floor, regard­less of whether you are hav­ing a first dance or dis­pelling with the tra­di­tion and going feet first into a prop­er par­ty we want to make sure your par­ty band sets the tone for the evening.

Sec­ond­ly, your live par­ty band should reflect you and your cho­sen styles of music. That’s exact­ly why we have curat­ed our artist ros­ter to cater to all musi­cal styles and desires. Whether you are look­ing for a band that can cov­er it all, a show­stop­ping lux­u­ry band with a horn sec­tion, or an indie trio that will cov­er all the hits you want we can help pair you with your ulti­mate par­ty band.

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