16 October, 2024

Case Study - Reassured Summer Party

Early in 2024, one of our production partners, VEO Events, came to us with a brief from Reassured, a corporate client. The brief was clear and simple - they wanted an incredible party and company celebration and it needed to be immersive and fun.
Mirrormen at Wokefield Estate

Reas­sured Sum­mer Gar­den Party

The Brief

An incred­i­ble par­ty that is immer­sive, fun, and will be remembered.”

At face val­ue this is a clear and sim­ple brief, how­ev­er, find­ing the right acts for this kind of event can be a chal­lenge. We work with client briefs like this all the time, and we under­stand what is required to hit the tar­get. We know that a DJ and a magi­cian isn’t going to hit the spot and it needs to be next level.

There need­ed to be a musi­cal ele­ment that was engag­ing as well as per­form­ers that can be used at dif­fer­ent times such as ear­li­er for the drinks recep­tion as well as for the evening par­ty. Reas­sured specif­i­cal­ly liked the idea of a sax­o­phone play­er and some mix-and-min­gle char­ac­ters. Their theme also required an ele­ment of sparkle — we were more than hap­py to help here!

VEO had already worked with this client before, so we were able to see what they had booked pre­vi­ous­ly for enter­tain­ment. They also had a date and loca­tion for the par­ty, mak­ing our job a lit­tle easier.

  • Solo Sax Player Able to play during cocktails and with the evening DJ
  • Party Band A high energy party band to keep the dance floor packed!
  • Disco Mirror Dancers Mixing and dancing with guests and to be used as meet and greet characters
  • Selection of meet and greet acts LED Ballerinas, Stilt Walkers, Mirror-Men to accompany the drinks reception

Gecko Live’s Quote

Step one of this was to work out what they loved pre­vi­ous­ly, work out how we can put a spin on this, and also offer a selec­tion of ideas and options that will get them thinking. 

VEO had already secured the incred­i­bly Malarky for the evening DJ for the par­ty, so we need­ed ideas and a vibe that would match his ener­gy and performance.

What Reas­sured Booked

Reas­sured looked at all the artists and ideas in our pro­pos­al and chose to book our Stilt walk­ers, Mir­ror Dancers, and Solo Sax­o­phon­ist. We tweaked the quote once we knew what they were going with to make the best use of the per­form­ers, using our solo sax­o­phon­ist and mir­ror men for the drinks recep­tion and evening par­ty. We then had the stilt walk­ers enter after their awards cer­e­mo­ny to show­case the start of the evening par­ty and make a dra­mat­ic entrance.

At this stage, we also worked with VEO to secure a 6‑person secu­ri­ty team to over­see the event. The par­ty was at Woke­field Estate just out­side Read­ing in a bespoke mar­quee. This meant that there were more spe­cif­ic require­ments around entrances, exits and acces­si­ble areas, so the secu­ri­ty team were on hand to ensure that the par­ty was all in one place and that the event ran smoothly.

The Out­come

The event was a total suc­cess and one of the best sum­mer par­ties they have had. Reas­sured loved the inter­ac­tive ele­ments of the stilts and mir­ror dancers and our solo sax play­er was able to seam­less­ly fit with the DJs set and be amongst the guests for the evening per­for­mance adding that extra lev­el of energy.

The events suc­cess has meant an ear­ly start of ideas and quotes for the next event and a con­tin­ued part­ner­ship with Reas­sured and VEO lead­ing to more events and collaborations.

De Vere Wokefield Estate Corporate Gecko Live Entertainment Venue front
Reassured Summer Garden Party
Mirrormen at Wokefield Estate

Gecko Live Entertainment Julia Sax

De Vere Wokefield Estate Corporate Gecko Live Entertainment Sax

Let's Talk About Your Party

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