Pylewell Park

Eclectic & Eccentric, Bonkers & British. Pylewell Park is one of most luxurious country estate wedding venues in Hampshire.
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Pylewell Park Main Entrance and Aspect Gecko Live Entertainment

Unique Coun­try House Wed­ding Experience

Expe­ri­ence the wow fac­tor at Pylewell Park, a cher­ished coun­try house, offer­ing breath­tak­ing sea views, vast space, stun­ning cer­e­mo­ny loca­tions, and an unpar­al­leled blank can­vas for win­ing, din­ing, and danc­ing. Enjoy com­plete exclu­siv­i­ty with a two-night stay in the main house, accom­mo­da­tions for 26 guests, ear­ly access to the Pavil­ion, and full access to the gar­dens and grounds for drinks, pho­tos, and mingling.

The Pylewell Park wed­ding team is pas­sion­ate, detail-ori­ent­ed, and ded­i­cat­ed to craft­ing your unique jour­ney. From explor­ing Pin­ter­est ideas to site vis­its, sup­pli­er rec­om­men­da­tions, and cre­ative brain­storm­ing, your wed­ding day should reflect your unique­ness. Let the wed­ding plan­ning adven­ture begin!

Roman­tic Nup­tials Under the Sails

Declare your love in the most roman­tic set­ting as our sail struc­ture becomes the back­drop for your I do.’ Offer­ing panoram­ic views of the Solent and Isle of Wight, three ele­gant pieces of sail­cloth grace­ful­ly over­lap, cre­at­ing a gen­tle canopy accom­mo­dat­ing up to 150 guests. Posi­tioned on the balustrade and avail­able from April to Sep­tem­ber, it’s both water­proof and pro­vides cool­ing shade on warm sum­mer days.

For win­ter wed­dings or as a wet-weath­er alter­na­tive, choose from three licensed cer­e­mo­ny rooms with­in the house. Alter­na­tive­ly, St Mary’s Church is con­ve­nient­ly locat­ed just past the end of the driveway.

Pylewell Park Cermeony in The Circle Gecko Live Entertainment

The best cer­e­mo­ny and day­time per­form­ers for Pylewell Park

The sig­nif­i­cance of music dri­ves our pas­sion at Pylewell Park! To inspire your thoughts on weav­ing music into every part of your wed­ding day, here are a few ideas and sug­ges­tions of artists who can bring enchant­ment to your celebration.

Artist Roster
With over 300 acts in our arist roster we can help with anything you can dream of. Check out the full list below.
Pylewell Park Luxury Hampshire Wedding Venue Gecko Live Entertainment

Unique Wed­ding Des­ti­na­tion for Style-Savvy Brides

This excep­tion­al wed­ding venue is a dreamy blank can­vas, tai­lored for the style-savvy bride. Adorned with beau­ti­ful Far­row & Ball walls, it fea­tures a built-in bar, bath­rooms, a kitchen, and a floor-to-ceil­ing glass front pro­vid­ing stun­ning views of the Solent. Dance the night away on the spa­cious dance floor. Out­side, a ter­race adorned with fes­toon light­ing, firepits, and charm­ing pots and planters cre­ates a per­fect space for evening food trucks and alfres­co cocktails.

Par­ty Vibes at Pylewell Park

At Pylewell, your cel­e­bra­tion is our focus. Live par­ty bands embody the essence of your day, cre­at­ing an unfor­get­table evening filled with vibrant ener­gy and joy. Let’s get your cen­tre stage!

Party Bands and DJs
Whatever your evening party plans our live party bands, DJ and energetic performers will have you bouncing until the end. Check out our full artist roster below.

Craft­ing Your Wed­ding Sym­pho­ny at Pylewell Park

With its lux­u­ri­ous grounds and breath­tak­ing vis­tas, Pylewell Park sets the stage for your dream wed­ding, where music becomes the back­drop to your spe­cial day. Unleash your imag­i­na­tion with­out lim­its; any­thing you desire is with­in reach.

Draw­ing from over a decade of expe­ri­ence deeply root­ed in the wed­ding indus­try, we are pas­sion­ate about craft­ing unique enter­tain­ment expe­ri­ences. At Pylewell Park, we thrive on work­ing with cou­ples to bring their visions to life. Whether through the enchant­i­ng sounds of par­ty bands or the cap­ti­vat­ing melodies of roam­ing musi­cians, we utilise every cor­ner of our venue — the grounds, house, black gates, sail, and pavil­ion — to cre­ate unfor­get­table moments of joy and celebration.

Pylewell Park The Pavilion Gecko Live Entertainment

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Pylewell Park Bride and Groom First Dance Romy Lawrence Photography Gecko Live Entertainment