Stanlake Park Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Entrance

Live Music and Enter­tain­ment at Stan­lake Park

The beau­ti­ful­ly restored vin­tage barns pro­vide the per­fect back­drop for a roman­tic wed­ding, offer­ing a charm­ing and rus­tic feel with­in our vine­yard estate.

When book­ing Stan­lake Park you have com­plete­ly exclu­sive use of the Coach House, Court­yard, Walled Gar­den, Vine­yard Barn, and sur­round­ing lawns, this ensures pri­va­cy and space for your celebration.

Cre­ate the per­fect par­ty at Stan­lake Park

With a vari­ety of enchant­i­ng loca­tions to exchange vows, host drinks recep­tions, or even arrange lawn games, you can tai­lor your day to your unique vision. These spaces are per­fect for adding enter­tain­ment, why not ser­e­nade your guests with a string quar­tet or live sax­o­phon­ist for your cock­tail hour?

The on site Her­itage Venues events team is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing excep­tion­al flex­i­bil­i­ty, allow­ing you to design a tru­ly unfor­get­table day that reflects your per­son­al style.

Over 300 amazing artists to ensure your Wedding Entertainment is truly unforgettable!
Stanlake Park Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Grand Entrance

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