Syrencot Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment stunning venue

Live Music and Enter­tain­ment at Syrencot

Syren­cot is an exclu­sive-use wed­ding venue in Wilt­shire, offer­ing a stun­ning blend of his­toric charm and mod­ern ele­gance. The venue is set with­in five acres of stun­ning grounds, it fea­tures a Geor­gian house, a con­tem­po­rary barn, and a beau­ti­ful glasshouse.

Cre­ate the per­fect par­ty at Syrencot

Cou­ples can exchange vows in the pic­turesque Glasshouse or why not opt for an out­door cer­e­mo­ny in the enchant­i­ng walled gar­den, sur­round­ed by sea­son­al blooms and bird­song. The venue’s ver­sa­tile spaces, includ­ing the ele­gant Farmshed, pro­vide the per­fect set­ting for drinks, canapés, and unfor­get­table cel­e­bra­tions, no mat­ter the season. 

At Syren­cot, romance meets nature, cre­at­ing the per­fect back­drop for a tru­ly mag­i­cal wed­ding experience.

Over 300 amazing artists to ensure your Wedding Entertainment is truly unforgettable!
Syrencot Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment ceremony

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