Was­ing Park — Your exclu­sive, enchant­i­ng set­ting to make any dream wed­ding a reality.

An award win­ning venue nes­tled in the heart of the Eng­lish coun­try­side, this beau­ti­ful­ly restored his­toric farm exudes charm and ele­gance. High­lights include roman­tic farm build­ings, the 15th-cen­tu­ry Parish Church of St Nicholas, the stun­ning Grade II list­ed Cas­tle Barn, a charm­ing Gra­nary on stad­dle stones, and a sto­ry­book-like Dovecote.

With a Vic­to­ri­an Sum­mer­house and a glass-walled Gar­den Room for cer­e­monies, lux­u­ri­ous bou­tique accom­mo­da­tions, a breath­tak­ing Hon­ey­moon Suite, a bridal cot­tage for the night before, a groom’s room, and a late-night after-par­ty bar, Was­ing Park offers every detail for an unfor­get­table celebration. 

Wasing Park Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Stunning Tettace

Live Music and Enter­tain­ment at Was­ing Park

The Cas­tle Barn is a ver­sa­tile and stun­ning space for any wed­ding recep­tion, offer­ing fine din­ing or a rus­tic Farm­house Menu. The beau­ti­ful ter­race has a float­ing stretch tent that pro­vides access year-round, with an out­door kitchen, fire pit and wood-fired oven per­fect for your guests to cosy up to. Its soft red brick walls and arrow slits cre­ate a charm­ing blank can­vas for per­son­alised décor. The room boasts a grand stage with excep­tion­al acoustics ensures an unfor­get­table par­ty, whether with live bands or DJs.

Wasing Park Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Dj Live Act

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