Wasing Park Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Stunning Tettace

Live Music and Enter­tain­ment at Was­ing Park

The Cas­tle Barn is a ver­sa­tile and stun­ning space for any wed­ding recep­tion. The beau­ti­ful ter­race has a float­ing stretch tent, with an out­door kitchen, fire pit and wood-fired oven per­fect for your guests to cosy up to. Its soft red brick walls and arrow slits cre­ate a charm­ing space for per­son­alised décor. The room boasts a grand stage with excep­tion­al acoustics ensur­ing an unfor­get­table par­ty, whether with live bands or DJs.

Wasing Park Drone Shot Photo Credit Wasingweddings

Pho­to Cred­it — @thekensingtonphotographer and @wasingweddings

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