Came House Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Stunning Venue

Live Music and Enter­tain­ment at Came House

A his­toric Pal­la­di­an coun­try estate in the heart of Dorset, Came House every wed­ding is unique, designed to reflect each clients vision and cre­ate a tru­ly per­son­alised expe­ri­ence. Their close-knit team, led by Wed­ding Man­agers Melanie and Danielle — who also run Bel­lis­si­mo Wed­dings— bring decades of exper­tise in event and hos­pi­tal­i­ty planning.

Cre­ate the per­fect par­ty at Came House

Came fea­tures stun­ning cer­e­mo­ny spaces, from the Domed Con­ser­va­to­ry to a 15th-cen­tu­ry chapel for bless­ings. Recep­tions flow from cock­tail hour to live­ly mar­quee cel­e­bra­tions in the Secret Gar­den, com­plete with a dance floor and stage ready for your par­ty band to hit the stage!

At Gecko we are here to help with all things enter­tain­ment at Came, from ele­gant string quar­tets for your cer­e­mo­ny to smooth sax­o­phon­ist jazz sets for cock­tails and live­ly evening par­ty bands. What­ev­er atmos­phere you envi­sion, we curate the per­fect sound­track to com­ple­ment your spe­cial day.

Came House Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Outside Glass House

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