LIMEKILN Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Outside Terrace Roaming Band

Live Music and Enter­tain­ment at LIMEKILN

Sussex’s exclu­sive pri­vate-hire event space. Nes­tled away in the coun­try­side, this retreat embod­ies the same thought­ful design, incred­i­ble ser­vice, and sig­na­ture lux­u­ries that define their flag­ship venue Kin House in Wilt­shire. The venue is sur­round­ed by ancient wood­lands, LIMEKILN offers a seclud­ed and flex­i­ble set­ting, allow­ing you to craft a tru­ly unique experience. 

Cre­ate the per­fect par­ty at LIMEKILN

LIMEKILN offers a ded­i­cat­ed cer­e­mo­ny space, per­fect for cre­at­ing per­son­alised and unfor­get­table vows, why not ser­e­nade your guests with a string quar­tet or live sax­o­phon­ist for your cock­tail hour? With a spa­cious din­ing area for up to 200 of your near­est and dear­est, a main bar and lounge, and a ded­i­cat­ed late-night space for live music and danc­ing, LIMEKILN is designed for cel­e­bra­tions that flow seam­less­ly from day to night. Each room is adapt­able, offer­ing end­less pos­si­bil­i­ties to tai­lor the space to your vision. 

LIMEKILN Weddings Gecko Live Entertainment Evening Party

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